• 我们的愿景


    成为管理投资项目的创新领导者, 全球公认我们对客户和行业的积极影响.

    • 综合投资解决方案

      • Angeles是一家多资产投资公司, 提供先进的, 为机构和私人财富客户定制投资解决方案.
      • 我们相信,在考虑他们的使命时,没有两个客户是相同的, 值, 投资目标, 资金和经营实力, 以及承担风险的能力. 这就是为什么我们提供量身定制的解决方案,以满足他们的独特需求.
      • Our client relationships are built on the foundation of sound 治理 and prudent fiduciary practices. Only from there can a successful investment program deliver consistently strong investment performance.
      • No single investment manager can deliver compelling risk-adjusted returns for a global portfolio. Our open architecture structure and reputation for being a thoughtful patient investor has afforded us access to the best managers, 包括那些可能已经关闭或容量有限的医院. 我们希望今后继续保持这种水平的访问.
      • yabo亚博网站登录首页培养了一种尊重的文化, yabo亚博网站登录, 和多样性, 同时促进专业成长和学习. This attractive environment has contributed to the stability and collegiality of our team.
      • 我们为客户的成功感到骄傲, 是什么驱使我们变得更好,更努力地为他们和自己工作.
      • Angeles is a Certified B Corporation™, a stand-out recognition within the OCIO industry*. Angeles** pursued this as part of our commitment to making responsible investment decisions. 我们以无可置疑的正直行事, 成为客户值得信赖的管家和长期合作伙伴.

      *该评级由B Lab™Global于1月29日给出, 2023, and will cover the time period from January 2023 to January 2026 at which time Angeles will be recertified. 安吉利斯支付年费来维持会员资格. ** Angeles Wealth在认证过程中未被审查.

    • 事实一目了然


      • 监督约6美元.50亿美元的OCIO关系,以及大约38美元.40亿美元的咨询关系.*
      • 59客户关系, 其中大约75%是OCIO, 45%在我们公司工作超过10年.**
      • Our investment officers have an average of 25 years investment experience and over 10 years at Angeles.
      • 自2002年以来一直是GIPS®合规公司.***
      • 成立于2001年的独立、100%员工持股的公司.
      • 美国证券交易委员会注册投资顾问.

      *OCIO资产代表所管理的SEC监管资产. 38美元.40亿的咨询资产, Angeles does not have discretion over the asset allocation decisions but does charge a fee.
      ***Angeles claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). GIPS®是CFA协会的注册商标. CFA协会不认可或推广该组织, 也不保证本文所含内容的准确性或质量.

    • 机构投资者


      Across the institutional landscape we work with a variety of investors to construct 定制的 investment solutions. 基金会, 捐赠基金, 其他非营利机构代表了我们的大部分客户关系, 我们在养老基金方面有丰富的经验, 主权财富基金和保险公司. 我们带来深厚的专业知识,以开发长期投资解决方案, 同时平衡支出和流动性需求.

    • 私人财富


      We provide institutional-quality solutions to select private wealth investors and family offices. Our team works closely with our clients to understand each investor’s unique considerations (ranging from near-term liquidity needs to longer-term investment goals, 代计划, family dynamics and tax considerations) as we build sophisticated and 定制的 comprehensive investment programs.

    历史-办公室照片 历史-办公室照片


    我们一直希望与客户保持密切的合作关系, viewing ourselves as an extension of their organization by functioning as their investment office. 事实上, we modeled our organizational structure to mirror that of a large non-profit operation, 在前台和后台都有深厚的专业知识.

    在我们的历史中,我们已经增加了我们技术的深度, 我们经验的广度, 以及我们分析工具的质量. 我们相信,这将为我们的客户带来价值, as we strive to deliver sophisticated investment solutions in an ever evolving global landscape. 当病人, 有选择性客户基础的长期投资者, we focus on truly unique investment opportunities and construct portfolios that we believe will deliver successful outcomes over time.

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